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Inspiration or impersonation? 'Booty Patrol' truck is too close to CBP, cops say. Florida scoffs.

2024-12-19 13:46:49 Finance

Police officers ordered a Florida driver to back that truck up after sharing photos of the vehicle labeled, "Booty Patrol."

The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office put out a call Monday asking the community for help looking for the white Chevy Silverado that resembled a border patrol truck, but the decal reads "National Booty Behavior Protection."

The car's owner 18-year-old Gabriel Luviano talked to USA TODAY Wednesday, and he explained that his car has been decorated this way for more than a year.

"It's just funny, it was never meant to be anything bad," he said.

Luviano said the car has blue lights installed , but he only turns them on while on private property. For example, he takes the cars to shows where he says lots of attendees get a kick out of the look.

The sheriff's office said that it was looking for the driver because he was impersonating an officer, prompting media attention.

"They already got me," said Luviano said, explaining that he was recently issued a ticket for the truck's wheel lights, which light up in Mexican colors of green, white and red.

He also said he has never tried to pull anyone over.

An updated post from the sheriff's office confirms that a ticket was issued Sunday, the day before the initial post.

"We want to emphasize that DCSO located the vehicle on Sunday, and our initial post aimed to raise awareness about this incident, ensuring that the public can avoid being duped by such individuals," it reads.

Still, "Booty Patrol" supporters came to his defense on Facebook.

"Don’t worry we all like your truck they’re just being lame as (expletive)," one comment read.

More:Florida woman arrested after painting car to look like Florida Highway Patrol car

